
How to Set your SnapStream's Recording Priority

Rank the importance of your recording jobs to ensure that your most critical jobs finish to completion as scheduled. In the event of a scheduling conflict or tuner failure, SnapStream's Recording Manager has you covered.

From the welcome screen, choose “Recording Manager”.

Current recording jobs will be listed in order of priority with the most critical jobs at the top of the page.

To change the order of recording priorities, click and drag the recording job to its new position.

Once you have moved the recording job to its new position, click “Save Priorities” to save the changes made.

To temporarily disable a scheduled recording job, click the checkbox next to the recording job and choose “Disable”.

Disabled recording jobs will be shown in red. To re-enable, click the checkbox next to the disabled recording and click “Enable”.


This how-to document applies to versions 5.6 and higher

Eric Cohn

Customer Success Specialist