Creating a clip from the SnapStream web player is the easiest and most precise way to make a clip in SnapStream. In just three clicks, you can make a clip from a full recording.
To select a clip's star point, hit the "Clip Start" button (highlighted in the graphic) or push the Z button on your keyboard. A marker will appear in the timeline at the current time. This marks the beginning of the clip.
To select a clip's end point, hit the "Clip End" button (highlighted in the graphic) or push the X button on your keyboard. A marker will appear in the timeline at the current time. This marks the end of the clip.
When you're satisfied with the startpoint and endpoint you've selected, hit the "Clip" button or push the C button on your keyboard.
You'll be prompted to enter a name for the clip and to select a destination folder. You can also enter any tags that you would like to be added to the clip. After you click "Clip", your system will create the clip. A popup will appear showing the progress of the clipping.
Once it has been created, you can view the clip by going to the library and selecting your clip folder.